Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Annotated bibliography

Annotated bibliography:

Hochschild, Arlie. “The Managed Heart.” Exploring the Managed Heart (1983), page3-9

In this chapter of her book, Hoschild is defining the term “emotional labor.” She investigates for the relationship between emotional labor and well being, using stewardesses as an example, their work and private life.

Terkel, Studs. “Working”, Receptionist (1972), page 29-32

“Receptionist” is a one of many interviewed people by the master Studs Terkel. Her name is Sharon Atkins and she hates her job. She’s responsible for picking up and transferring phone calls all day long. In this testimony the reader sees how this kind of “emotional labor” influence Sharon’s emotions and her private life.
Seeholf, Cheryl. “Off Our Backs”, On Discrimination Against Mothers As Mothers (Mar2006), Vol. 36 Issue 1, p10-14, 5p, article.

This article is about discrimination against mothers, that starts as soon as woman becomes pregnant. The author presents interesting evidences for “the pregnancy police” and “the motherhood penalty”. It seems to me like the one, who decided to have a baby should feel guilty and blame them self for this inequality that are facing not only on a job, but also at home.

Warner, Judith. “New York Times”, When We’re Equal, We’ll Be Happy (Oct2009), article.

This article proofs the fact, that women after 1970 became less happy. It hasn’t been easy

to define why, but the most important and main reason is the gender discrimination, like

for an example lack of promotion affects working women/mothers by loosing the interest

in self determination as the author said, “if you expect less for yourself , you’re easier to



  1. More than 250 years after emancipation of women had a place, what's females situation like? at home, work and in general being a woman in XXI century?

    Prof. would this be a good question for an essay? my idea is to write about gender discrimination,showing different aspects of it and also mentioning about "the emotional labor" as a new work field where mostly women need to find theme selfs in the recent times.

  2. Aleksandra - The bibliography is great. The first paragraph of your comment asks a *huge* question - the second one helps to define your question within this. See if you can find your question from there. Then I think you're ready to start your draft!

  3. And, when you're ready, you can go ahead and start posting a paragraph from the introduction or body paragraph for feedback.
