The only connection I see between Mike Lefevre from "Who Built the Pyramids" and the rich kids from "Born Rich" is the extreme of their lifestyles.
Mike Lefevre is a steelworker, who need to work hard to support his family of four. He feels about himself as of: "...a mule, an old mule...". His work doesn't allowed him to spend enough time with his kids or get enough rest.
The rich kids are living in the wealth and society among each other. Their life style is so much different from average, middle class American. Some of them ”work“, most of them are educated but all of them party hard and spend lots of the inhered money.
When it comes to the differentiation between social classes in America its extremely big gap. Even though Mike's story is from 70's we still can use him as an example of a worker for a middle class society, where the reality to make it on a minimum wedge salary is a closer to mierecoul than true the rich kids spend ”Mike's” monthly salary over night.
Interesting post - it's interesting that we see Mike's situation as extreme although it's actually quite typical, and he probably makes quite a bit more than minimum wage.